MSM, 60 tablets is a rich source of bioavailable sulfur. Sulfur is an essential mineral in all animal diets. In the past, they consumed it in fresh and unprocessed foods
Pet Shop Luna SRL
€ 49.90
MSM, 60 tablets is a rich source of bioavailable sulfur. Sulfur is an essential mineral in all animal diets. In the past, they consumed it in fresh and unprocessed foods. indications: Skin: Contributes to anti-allergic treatments and dermatitis (eliminates residual irritation in dogs with allergic treatments), strengthens nails and fleshy parts, prevents alopecia, promotes healthy and glowing skin, improves skin effects after soaking. Locomotor system: muscle pain, long-term arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis Metabolic function: acute gastritis, diuretic effect, respiratory allergies Presentation: Bottle with 60 tablets