Oregano 15 ml - Origano - doTerra - Olio essenziale

Oregano 15 ml - Origano - doTerra - Olio essenziale - Pet Shop Luna


€ 43.33 


Common oregano

For hundreds of years, oregano oil has been known as one of the most powerful and beneficial essential oils. Oregano is found in cookbooks and kitchen cabinets around the world because its versatile flavor blends seamlessly with a wide variety of cuisines. The essential oil is extracted from the fragrant leaf of the plant. The main chemical component of oregano is carvacrol, a phenol, making it one of the most versatile and powerful essential oils in the world. When applied to the skin, oregano should be diluted in a carrier oil.

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Primary benefits

A versatile flavoring component widely used throughout the world in savory dishes, usually in the form of dried herbs.

Incredibly strong smell and flavor when used in cooking, allowing the user to get a lot out of a little, with every culinary preparation.

Spicy and herbaceous flavor, ideal for soups, salads and for seasoning any savoury recipe.