Balsamo di cavallo Gel da massaggio riscaldante extra forte con estratti di foglie di vite rossa / ippocastano / melissa / camomilla / luppolo / valeriana / achillea / finocchio / vischio / 500 ml di Axisis GmbH

Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna
Horse Balm Extra Strong Warming Massage Gel with Extracts of Red Vine Leaf / Horse Chestnut / Lemon Balm / Chamomile / Hops / Valerian / Yarrow / Fennel / Mistletoe / 500 ml by Axisis GmbH - Pet Shop Luna

Brand: Axisis GmbH

€ 39.90 


Effetto riscaldante extra forte;Gel da massaggio per la cura del corpo riscaldante;Estratti di foglie di vite rossa, ippocastano, melissa, camomilla, luppolo, valeriana, achillea, vischio e finocchio;Thule, Cestino della bicicletta, Pack 'n, Pedal, Basket a Stylish ,Funzionale,Nuovo, Arte, Sotto, Dentraditionellen, Cestini per biciclette, Must, Portapacchi, Bici, Fisso, Sono leggeri, Robusti, Design, Che, Entrambi con un


  • Balsamo di cavallo Gel da massaggio riscaldante extra forte con estratti di foglie di vite rossa / ippocastano / melissa / camomilla / luppolo / valeriana / achillea / finocchio / vischio / 500 ml
  • 500 millilitri